Da su sport i sportske aktivnosti zdrave i poželjne svi znamo, ali kada su djeca mlađe dobi u pitanju treba biti oprezan. U koji sport upisati svoje dijete od 3-7 godina, a da je najbolje za njega i njegov sveukupni fizički i psihički razvoj. Često se iz neznanja ili velike ambicije roditelja djeca od najranije dobi usmjeravaju u sport koji oni smatraju da je najbolji za njihovo dijete ili u onaj sport kojim su se roditelji bavili. Preranom specijalizacijom u određeni sport djeca propuštaju široku lepezu motoričkih aktivnosti drugih sportova koje su važne za njihov sveobuhvatan motorički razvoj.
Upravo je to misija univerzalne sportske škole SUPERKID. Kroz naše programe djeca kroz igru prolaze mnogo sportova te već nakon nekoliko mjeseci pokazuju afinitet prema sportovima u kojima se najbolje snalaze i najbolje osjećaju. Program SUPERKID univerzalne škole sporta koncipiran je prvenstveno na razvoju koordinacije i motoričkih sposobnosti kroz igru te svladavanje osnova širokog spektra sportova. Sve se provodi kroz igru i smijeh jer cilj programa je da djeca zavole sport i steknu jednu izuzetno važnu životnu naviku, naviku tjelesnog vježbanja, tj. zdravog načina života.
Osim stjecanja navike tjelesnog vježbanja, naš program usmjeren je i na socijalizaciju te stjecanje normi i vrijednosti ponašanja u društvu od najranije dobi, a kako bi se kvalitetno razvijao karakter i oblikovala zdrava ličnost.
HEPAKid projekt zasniva se na temeljima SUPERKID škole sporta, a kroz koji ćemo kroz razmjenu iskustva s partnerima projekta iz Italije i Češke dodatno unaprijediti naše sportske programe i proširiti ih i izvan granica Republike Hrvatske.
HEPAKid projekt sufinanciran je sredstvima programa Europske unije Erasmus+.
(Ova komunikacija odražava isključivo stajalište autora publikacije. Agencija i Komisija se ne mogu smatrati odgovornim prilikom uporabe informacija koje se u njoj nalaze.)
We all know that sports and sports activities are healthy and desirable, but when younger children are concerned, special care should be taken. Which sport you should enroll your child 3-7 years young, and which sport is best for him and his overall physical and mental development. Often, ignorance or great ambition of children parents results with the earliest age point to the sport they consider to be the best for their child or the sport that child parents are concerned with. With to early specialization in a particular sport, children miss a wide array of motor activities of other sports that are important to their comprehensive motor development.
It is precisely the mission of the universal sports school SUPERKID. Throughout our programs, children play a lot of sports through the game, and after a few months they show the affinity to the sports in which they are the best and in which they feel happiest. The SUPERKID Sport School program is primarily designed to develop coordination and motor skills through the kids game and master the basis of a wide range of sports. Everything is done through play and laughter because the main goal of the program is to have children love sports and acquire a very important life habit, a habit of physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
In addition to gaining the habit of physical exercise, our program also focuses on socialization and the acquisition of norms and values of behavior in society from the earliest age, in order to quality develop the person character and form a healthy personality.
The HEPAKid project is based on the SUPERKID Sport School foundations, through which we will exchange experience with our project partners from Italy and Czech Republic to further enhance our sports programs and expand them beyond the borders of the Republic of Croatia.
The HEPAKid project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
(This communication reflects only the author`s view. Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contains them.)