HEPAKid projekt uskoro kreće. Projekt će se provesti tijekom 2018. godine, a uključiti će 30 djece iz tri zemlje – Hrvatske, Italije i Češke. Djeca će prolaziti program univerzalne škole sporta SUPERKID kroz četiri mjeseca, pod vodstvom educiranih trenera. Tijekom provedbe programa pratit će se napredak djece na način da će se testirati njihove motoričke sposobnosti na samom početku provedbe programa, nakon dva mjeseca provedbe programa te na kraju provedbe programa, tj. u lipnju 2018. godine. Osim provedbe sportskog programa, promovirat će se tjelesna aktivnost i zdravi način života u sklopu Europskog tjedna sporta.
Osim što će djeca u Italiji i Češkoj dobiti mogućnost da prođu kroz program SUPERKID škole sporta, tijekom projekta predviđena su tri sastanka na lokacijama provođenja projekta kako bi voditelji projekta i njihovi partneri razmjenili iskustva u radu s djecom te na taj način dodatno unaprijediti svoje programe.
Sve informacije o tijeku provedbe HEPAKid projekta moći će se pratiti na web stranici www.hepakid.com te ćemo Vas redovito obavještavati i putem društvenih mreža.
HEPAKid projekt sufinanciran je sredstvima programa Europske unije Erasmus+.
(Ova komunikacija odražava isključivo stajalište autora publikacije. Agencija i Komisija se ne mogu smatrati odgovornim prilikom uporabe informacija koje se u njoj nalaze.)
The HEPAKid project is about to start. The project will be implemented in 2018 and will include 30 children from three countries – Croatia, Italy and the Czech Republic. Children will go through the program of the Universal School of Sport SUPERKID for four months under the guidance of educated trainers. During the implementation of the program, child progress will be monitored by testing their motor skills at the very beginning of the program implementation, two months after the implementation of the program and at the end of the program implementation, which will be in June 2018. Apart from the implementation of the sports program, physical activity and healthy lifestyles will be promoted within the European Sports Week.
In addition to giving children in Italy and the Czech Republic the opportunity to go through the SUPERKID School of Sport program, three project meetings are planned at the project implementation locations so that project leaders and their partners exchange experiences in working with children and thus further enhance their programs.
All information on the implementation of the HEPAKid project will be avaliable at www.hepakid.com and we will also keep you informed on social networks.
The HEPAKid project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
(This communication reflects only the author`s view. Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contains them.)