Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo objaviti da je SUPERKID školi sporta odobren Europski projekt pod nazivom Healthy European and Physically Active Kid / HEPAKid ! Ovaj projekt sufinanciran je sredstvima programa Europske unije Erasmus+. SUPERKID škola sporta je koordinator HEPAKid projekta u sklopu kojega će se tijekom 2018. godine program SuperKid škole sporta provoditi i u zemljama partnerima projekta – Italija (University Sports Centre of Palermo) i Češka (Na Slunci, z.s.). Više informacija o HEPAKid projektu očekujte uskoro…
(Ova komunikacija odražava isključivo stajalište autora publikacije. Agencija i Komisija se ne mogu smatrati odgovornim prilikom uporabe informacija koje se u njoj nalaze.)
It is a great pleasure to announce that the SUPERKID Sport School has approved a European project called Healthy European and Physically Active Kid / HEPAKid ! This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The SUPERKID Sport School is the coordinator of the HEPAKid project, which will implement the 2018 SUPERKID Sport School program in the beneficiary countries of the project – Italy (University Sports Centre Palermo) and Czech Republic (Na Slunci, z.s.). Expect soon more information about the HEPAKid project…
(This communication reflects only the author`s view. Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contains them.)